Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sa re ga ma pa, Indian Idol, Voice of India

Three music reality shows are running parallely. Sa re ga ma being the pioneer, is still best in quality. Indian Idol is following its peers. Voice of India is the youngest of them, and seems a little immature. The only good thing about these shows is - they are giving platform to numerous talented youngsters. Even appearing in these shows gives them credibility, and progressing to higher levels often opens new vistas for them.

What attracts me and others like me is that we get to enjoy the lovely performances, and come to realize how much talent is hidden among ourselves. The long queques for auditions show how confident the Indian youth is getting. And the fact that a huge number of girls are ready to face the tough conditions to realize their dreams, and the fact that numerous parents support them in this endeavour is so heartening that the gloom spread by the appalling conditions of the male-female ratio in India seems to have its limits.

One more aspect needs to be highlighted that now girls and boys compete together in these shows. There was a time when Sa re ga ma used to have separate competitions for girls and boys. Though it had its own merits, as two people were crowned at the end, but competing together gives more credibility to the winners, and confidence and feeling of equality to girls.

These shows have different methods of judging. While Sa re ga ma pa and Indian Idol rely on popular votes, Voice of India till now is being judged only by the official judges. Both methods have their merits and demerits. Popular votes can be manipulated. Especially if you can vote online, which is free of cost, people can just go on creating IDs and voting for a participant of his or her choice. Here the participants, and their friends, who are not so net savvy will lose. If popular votes are accepted there should be some method to it, so that the vote can show the real following.

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